Andalusian music medieval times


Active Member
Today in Morocco the revival of Andalusian Music is promoted massively and very much respected.
Its mainly in Arabic[or darija sometimes], I started to ask my self, why is this music mainly in Arabic?
The community of Andalusia was aslo Amazighophone with a rich written literature on different fields, so why not the MUSIC.
To get a pictures go to and type Andalus....

So Amazigh Music existed but where is it now, and where is it mentioned in literature?
Re : Andalusian music medieval times

Muwaccah is a poetic form from andalusia:
"waccah'un of Berber origin are not known, although we know that the poetess H'ahs'a bint al-H'ajj al-Rakuniyya was a Berber, but muwaccah'at from her hand have not been handed down"

Kannuni a Berber Family is mentioned in Monroe, and in a Kharja of Ibn Baqi:

"Hawa z'abyat al barabir h'ajji waribat'i : The love of the Berber gazelle is my pilgromage and my garrison"

....Adornments are also mentioned, such as earrings (cunuf) and ornaments such as qat'at ' refer partiqularly to Berber hair fashion...

fa3mal ma tirid fa'anta falmilah' adjillid
Do what you like since you are s littleking among the sweethearts

Love Songs from Al-Andalus: History, Structure and Meaning of the Kharja By Otto Zwartjes