Archives universelles


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Lundi 11 decembre 2006:, un site-depot specialisé dans l’archivation des documents ecrits et audiovisiuels, vient d’annoncer qu’il heberge 85 milliards de pages disponibles sur la toile. C’est deux fois plus que le contenu de Google.

Adresse :

voici une récente initiative de qq imazighen pour mettre au service des leurs (Diaspora + intérieur) des documents soit chers à obtenir soit introuvables. Il s'agit de perfectionner (en les corrigeant et en les mettant à jour) des documents écrit par le passé sur divers aspects de la civilisation amazighe. Il ne s'agit pas d'archives figées mais de documents vivants. Vous êtes invités à y poster des documents sur diverses rubriques (Histoire, civilisation, linguistique, etc.). Nous sommes entrain d'y faire entrer les 27 tomes de l'Encyclopédie Berbère qui a cessé de paraître - et qui de sont temps était trop chère - et qui est bourrée de "kabylismes" (entendez pas là des mots en khoroto).
Voilà, pour ceux qui veulent tchater pour la postérité, c'est le moment où jamais de s'inscrire.
Ar tufat
Wiki est devenu une source d'informatioon indispensable consultée pratiquement par tout le monde et dans toutes les langues. Si l'on reussi a avoir une propre encyclopedie gratuite et en ligne, ce serait un travail formidable.

Google, le moteur de recherche, vient d'annoncer que Wiki est classé cette annee (2006) 6eme site consulté mondialement. Ca fait quelques milliards de pages consultées chaque mois a travers la planete.

Pour les curieux, le top 10 des sites les plus consultés en 2006 via Google:

1. bebo
2. myspace
3. world cup
4. metacafe
5. radioblog
6. wikipedia
7. video
8. rebelde
9. mininova
10. wiki


Wikiasari est le nom d'un nouveau moteur de recherche qui sera lancé l'an prochain.
L'initiateur est le meme fondateur de l'encyclopedie gratuite Wikipedia. Wikiasari est composé de 2 mots: Wiki = mot d'origine Hawaien qui veut dire rapide; Asari = mot d'origine Japonais qui veut dire chercher.

La difference entre Google, le moteur de recherche le plus utilisé, et Wikiasari est la qualité des resultats de recherche que vous effectuez. Dans le cas de Google, c'est l'ordinateur qui recoit votre question, juge du contenu et decide ce que vous recevez. Dans le cas de Wikiasari, ce sont les experts qui jugent de la qualité des articles que vous cherchez.

Logiciel gratuit

UNESCO vient de produire un logiciel gratuit ISIS pour amenagement et conservation de l'information.

ISIS est composé de plusieurs programmes qui permettent d'ordoner et de conserver d'une maniere professionelle toute genre information. Une solution efficace et gratuite pour organisations ou individus amazighs (non commercial) qui s'occupent de la documentation, l'information, l'archivation ...

Le logiciel est a commander gratuitement via:
Re : Archives universelles

Les services secrets americains CIA viennent d'ouvrir ses archives.
Beaucoup de documents sont rendus publics:

Le site est menu d'un moteur de recherche.
Tapez le mot "morocco". Tous les documents relatifs
au Maroc apparaissent.
Re : Archives universelles

Des archives peu connus:

The Global Information System (GIS) is a global-coverage, core current strategic intelligence service for use only by governments. It is not available to non-governmental subscribers. GIS represents a base of more than 150,000 pages of data and images on 246 countries and territories, updated daily, along with a constantly-growing database of special reports on a wide range of specialist topics and regional studies.

GIS includes the Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily intelligence briefing, which is issued five days a week, and covers current strategic intelligence issues.

GIS content is issued as "Unclassified". However, it is based on GIS' own worldwide collection (HUMINT) and analysis team, which has been operating in the field for more than three decades. As a result, it has a strong record of major intelligence "firsts", including the accurate forecasting of, for example, the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. This was only one of hundreds of major successes by GIS.

GIS is accessible only through password entry or computer IP recognition, to ensure maximum privacy. The system is fully on-line through the Internet, and keyword searchable. It is strenuously non-partisan, given that it provides product for use by governments worldwide. Its confidential data, intelligence and analysis system was built up since 1972 for professional use by senior policymakers, intelligence officials and military research establishments worldwide. The system is based on intelligence and analysis undertaken as a result of massive field collection (HUMINT); and on extensive research and analysis, using primary and open sources intelligence (OSINT), including considerable "open-but-difficult source" OSINT. The System is designed to provide a comprehensive global data system both for governments without extensive global collection and analysis systems as well as for analysts in industrialized states seeking independent, finished intelligence on literally every country and territory in the world.

The use of GIS product can often verify product produced within a classified environment. As a result, governments can more easily refer to GIS reporting — because it is unclassified — which is more "portable", and not subject to the transmission constraints of classified data.

The Global Information System is timely, current — updated daily throughout the year — strategic intelligence on literally every country and territory in the world. The country or territory aspect of the GIS system is divided into country-specific chapters, each of which include the following sub-sections:

The Government: Full cabinet and ministerial listings of every government; Comprehensive breakdown of national political and governmental structure; Detailed descriptions of political parties, party leaders and orientations; Details of past and upcoming elections; judicial system details.
The Country: A national map and an illustration of the national flag; Detailed national history; Recent and current strategic and political developments; National demographic and population data, including religions and languages.
The Economy: Comprehensive national economic breakdown; Detailed media and communications structure; Detailed national infrastructural and industrial data.
National Security: Strategic defense overview and background; Defense structural breakdown; Defense budget data; Defense manpower data and manpower availability; Defense personnel and key officers; Defense ministry or department contact addresses, etc.; National nuclear, chemical and biological warfare capabilities and resources; Detailed Army, Navy and Air Force battle orders; Details of para-military organizations, deployment and basing, equipment, etc.; Intelligence agencies; Major insurgency groups.
Diplomatic: Treaties and alliances; Key embassy contact details.
Special reports: Detailed analysis on current strategic issues related to the country or the region. The Special Reports contain special studies on a particular aspect of the strategic situation relating to the country in question, or its region.

These sections are further broken down to provide very specific data on everything from influential movements within a country to specifics about civil infrastructure, such as airfields, telecommunications, and so on.

The GIS Special Studies, however, extend well beyond country studies, to include, among other things, sections on:

Biographies of key leaders and officials worldwide;

Background files on terrorist groups;

Weapons systems files (with exceptionally detailed and original records of military aircraft, ships, vehicles, weapons, ballistic systems, etc.);

Special topical studies sections, with major studies on, for example: intelligence management, terrorism, psychological strategy, information warfare, military medical issues; defense industrial listings (of defense manufacturers worldwide); current and archival tables of arms transfers between countries; tables of recent and archival changes of governments worldwide; studies on strategic resource issues (water, health, etc.);

Current regional studies (Balkan conflict issues; Eastern Mediterranean studies ; Asian studies; Australasian and Oceania issues; African studies, etc.);

Special studies in peacekeeping and conflict resolution; and much more.

For Government enquiries about GIS availability and pricing, please contact Pamela von Gruber, Director, by telephone in the US at +1 (703) 548-1070, or by email at, or fax +1 (703) 684-7476.
