azul i am amazigh of libya


New Member
azul aytmma d settma imazighen
hello all our brothers every where in timuzgha land i wish to asek about the coumunity divisions names in morocco like the word of slouhes what it mean and the word of souss and rrif what it mean these words in amazigh dictionary like other regions in libya and alger what it mean les kabyle ishawyen imzubay les touaregs and in libya like nefussa jadu ifrane nalut the timuzgha land rich with terms geographical it means all tamazight but these terms make the people of timuzgha land dont understand what means tamazight for all people in the north africa the same amazigh every where you go there is no diferances between them only the diferance in out side effects like the effect of arabs and french and italian and turkish all them effect in ourseleves and make us with out a one nation please give me details about all tamazight cultural
libya and the term of libyque what its means
numidia and cartage what its means
all best whishes for all who loves tamazight
e mail me at
azul d tanemirt n aytmatwen imazighen n libya
azul flaak a iwis n'tmazight n'libya.
salut a toi l'enfant de tamazight de libya.
s. amallay...........////
i seize this oppotunity to wish you,dear amallay,welcome amongst your brothers and sisters imazighen from souss(eastern south of morocco).that's really a great honnor that a libian amazigh join us in just want you to talk us a little bit about the situation of tamazight and imazighen in your country libya under the tyranny of people still communicate in tamazight?to what extent has tamazight suffered from being banned and prohébited from the public life?and is there some projects for the time being in libya to revive the language?.
once more you're welcome and please make yourself at home :)
assif76 a écrit :
i seize this oppotunity to wish you,dear amallay,welcome amongst your brothers and sisters imazighen from souss(eastern south of morocco).that's really a great honnor that a libian amazigh join us in just want you to talk us a little bit about the situation of tamazight and imazighen in your country libya under the tyranny of people still communicate in tamazight?to what extent has tamazight suffered from being banned and prohébited from the public life?and is there some projects for the time being in libya to revive the language?.
once more you're welcome and please make yourself at home :)

God Expression,you are a Great assif76 :-D