"Bismillah" In The Name Of God


Active Member
"Bismillah" In The Name Of God
(Recorded at the Tuesday Market, Ait Ourir, Morocco 6/17/97)


LISTEN: http://www.moroccanmusic.com/realaudio/Bismillah.rm

Rwais are wandering poets who sing about current events, love, their devotion to Allah and the loneliness felt during their travels. They will entertain you over shared fava bean soup or tajine served with bread, olives and mint tea in the market cafes. Accompanying themselves on lotar and or rebab, the music begins with a free form improvisation that introduces the melody before a structured rhythm ushers in the body of the song.

Rbab: http://www.moroccanmusic.com/html/rebab.html

Lutar: http://www.moroccanmusic.com/html/lotar.html

source: http://www.moroccanmusic.com/html/rwais.html

[ Edité par idir le 9/3/2004 15:32 ]
When I was young, Soussi Rwaiss came to my village with their musicians and they sing in the square of the village. People donate to them money, wheat and dates. As soon as someone make a donation, the Rais started to praise him with beautifull chants.
Also acrobat groups from Ait Sidi Hmad Oumoussa came to give shows to the village public. They perform acrobatic gestures with their bodies and some somtimes they perform with trained monkeys.We kids of the village enjoyed these shows and we were always happy when a Soussi Rais or Acrobat performers came to the village. These are my childhood memories
Les paroles de la chanson Bismillah dédiées à Idir

Wa bismillah ad agh nakka luSiyat (i)
Ad agh nfek lmufid i kra yakw ur issin (i)
Rebbi rar ed làaql dar willi t ur ittuni
Rebbi rar ed làaql dar willi t ur ittuni
Rebbi, yan k itàbadn fka as ukan lxir (i)
Rebbi, zayd i laHbab i yan ixyyirn (i)
A bab lxir, im Rebbi ay ixlf lxir nnun (i)
Imma bu làaql, ur idrk yat; ur illa yat (i)
A wanna tufam iga amr liyyam
Iwa wanna tufam iziyn as Rebbi liyyam (i)
Iwa a tessenm izd lwalidayn agh iwin lxir
A yan itZin d baba es, ar ikkat inna es (i)
Iwa mani s ra sul iddu lmasxut, ya Lafif (i)
Wa kullu lbab nna ed ikcem iqqen fellas
Ukan ar ittuhma laHas tasarut (i)
"Ça ba M'sieu" righ ad ak t in inigh
Alliàwan nsllim diwn a yan iHnnan
Iwa han a cerif nHubbak gh lxater, niri ik
A han u TeHnnawt meZZiyn islm fellak (i)
Nehmd as t i Rebbi gigh ghiklli nwwagh
Nehmd as t i Rebbi gigh ghiklli nwwagh
Ur jju tghwigh, ura gigh gh willi ttakurnin

A lhawa d lhem, wanna gh munen isrs yad lHeml (i)
A ifl bab es, ifl inna es, sul izug zund nekkin (i)
Ay angh ismH gh lwalidin inu, menck ad allan
Ay angh ismH gh lwalidin inu, menck ad allan ....