Iwaliwen n yat Telghat n RRays Lhâj Belàid



ATBIR UMLIL: La colombe blanche!!

Atbir umlil ira nmun s darun
îh yyi trit ira bedda ng winnun
Anmun a nzêr wa-lli nra h ddunit
Iqqan âh d usmmun, lxyar d keyyin

A ma yyi imlan is ijla utbir
Iga wahêdat ur imun d yan
Axuya atbir, nnîh ahêbib n yan
A t ukan lâh iqqand ad jlun

Lmuluà i yan igwmern itbiren
Nek nnîh yuf a ten idâlb yan
Îh ira a ten terbbut a bedda ig winnun
Nek nnîh yuf a ten idâlb yan
I wa-lli ten yurun ngh ten rebban
Imma axlawi, ur sar ggawrn
Mlad lhwa n-s is ira ad jlun
Contrairement à sa consoeur RTM ,la chaine 2M pense de temps en temps aux IMAZIGHEN comme en témoigne la soirée consacrée au feu RAYS LHAJ BELAID qu'elle a diffusé ce week end. Nous souhaitons à cette chaine bonne continuation dans cette voie ce qui la conduira a etre appréciée d'avantage par les MAROCAINS.
Je salue par ailleurs les organisateurs de cette soirée à laquelle je regrette de ne pas avoir pu assister pour raison d'absence sur les lieux.Tout mon entourage a apprécié cette cette initiative et espére que ce genre de manifestation se renouvelle souvent.
J'ai beaucoup apprécié la soirée de 2M consacrée à feu RAYS LHAJ BELAID. Naturellement. Seulement voilà, d'après le sondage " Quel est votre artiste musical préféré ?" sur ce site , Lhadj Belaid est avant-dernier: Commentaires?
Tout le monde ne peut pas etre de mon avis,c'est normal.Chacun sa préférence.

J'ai revu les résultats du sondage concernant chanteur préféré ,effectivement LHAJ BELAID est avant dernier .Mon commentaire : je pense que la majorité des votants serait des jeunes qui sont attirés bcp plus par la chanson moderne ,contrairement à ma génération et c'est leur droit ,on n'y peut rien.
azul fallak aguma,
je tien e te dire tanmirt, pour ces paroles magnifique du feu elhaj blaid at irhem rebbi
merci infiniment mon frer
1) {anayni di lay li}
2) lqist n yen urgaz
3) iran yamudduns inuwwa y carqi isHayas lmal yggutni
4) akunzorn an-nabi arsle icafa‘ gisn insamaH day ddars wala adjaar dinsi
5) abla tawtamt llila tdda ar-afudns ar-talla nttan miskin iHarg l-qulbnsi
6) iHarg lqulbnsi [2 repeats]
7) nnassawl l-Hajji rix addiwn nzur innas a bunti arwaH atzurt sasizuwras
8) tarba arraw damzziyn [2 repeats]
9) yikkuti sub‘miyya l-Hajji ngi sul icidi attusi sfint kuyen iga rrajans gharubbinsi
10) akunzur annabi arsle icafa‘ gisni
11) illigh nhawuln iggrud lmanzl ur ‘dalnsi itlf aflan rrays ngaran dmnadns ur itfaq aylligh nit l kamn yat tgzirt
12) iks lql‘ans idlsis agharrabuns tusl sfint tbid
13){urrigh dilhaditi awal lisnnigh izwar aya fihim ifhamtn}
14) lqistns slfaida tamghart dans atnnas a sidi rad n barrum itgzirti aggis nstara hal‘aql lxof lqalbinwi
15) icawr ghowalli rrays ikfayas lqudnsi issakit dlHin icHa tzzumt n tgzirt axas irzam trba ukan arraw da mzziyn
16) issarmit tnna yufnit attajgh iggawri adnsutl y tgzirt nurrid ilmma sdarsi awalna kattnna tasik acbab mzzin
17) issaw kan ign a sidi ukan tddltni xkudan ilmma tkfan y tgzirti ghar innas ruwah iban dak ighikan a sidi
18){adar idfar lghard yen iran imnadids}
19) lHasol walli ttilan nttan isiggawr ammas oghorrabwhayawado isshlasn ijddid dagh rrays igan lqlu‘a idusni
20)isawl gh walli rrays igan lqlu‘ idusni ighrad g walli waflanta ghawl attghlimt
21){alayli day li}
22) ukan artalla mskint iHarg lqlbunsi [repetition]
23) innayas abnti makmyaghn mafthult
24) tnnayas l-Hajji madaxn urihuln arraw-inu itnnas ntuttin gh tgzirti
25) arubbi inyat rrays ighira l-mal adawi attn kullu awi
26) arraw-inu uras sbirxi
27) icawar gh walli rrays igissas lmjriyt
28) uras iqbil rrays
29)isiwin tawingimt wuran arallan ddun aylligh dzorni
30){urrigh dilmma swwal ncbab mzziyn}
31) ha yen uzankd iqabiltnt
32) mqqar iksa issun lqt littruH darsn
33) mqqar iksa issun lqt nnisarda‘ani
34) a sidi cbab mzziyn han azankd ijjnjmtni,
injjat mulana iwucn wala agrzam
35) injjatn iyifis, mulana aygan ddamn
36){urrigh dilmma swwal lwalidin iwitnd rubbi n-nabi MuHammad ar dzayr}
37)zurnd kullu mund gin irjliyn
38) ssudun yawwanaw icha bahra idusn iga weningliz l-Haram ixald gh tuzzumt waman ghmkad itxalad izri amddakl
39) maqqar iga xignuwas l‘aql idda dars
40) ataki l-bnt lli dar itbirni gh tagzirti tassi arrawns zund arraw ntatbirti
41) iwa mrahbabik acbab ayarrawn cix ingazn dlhmum walalhul
42) aslli ghyumar mulana asixik gh tagzirti ar allax sini tit
43) han la‘qlinu heln babak ayiwi ar yalla gh yid wala zal
44) arwaH ar timzgida ghlmdarst yili gisni lligh or yumar mulana ghil slHujjank
45) a sidi cbab mzzin han aznkd ijinjmtn
46) a sidi cbab mzzin immaggar day ddarsi aynna yra rrubbi syan ar sis ggarn igit udayn nughamumn han rrubbi ur ar tghdarn
47) qddm ghakn afulki anbbi abu ‘amama
48) nnafrdan rrubbi dlwalidin amma walli furdan muHal ursar rbiHn [repetition]
49)adax istar rrubbi ukan amma laxbar ggutn [repetition]
50) ayixfinu isHan nnarmi tiwiyaxd ukan lqt

[ Edité par botagant le 1/3/2004 18:28 ]
1) [Calling phrase]
2) This is a story of a man
3) He wants to go east (=pilgrimage to Mecca) because he has got enough money.
4) He desires to visit the Messenger-Prophet who intermediates his family and neighbors to the God and makes permission from him (on the day of the last judgment)
5) But his wife wept and kissed on his foot. He felt sad and felt a pain in his heart.
6) Pain in his heart. [2repeats]
7) She said to Hajj (= her husband; this title is given to a man who makes or made the pilgrimage to Mecca), "I want the visit with you, too." He told her, "Let's make a visit. Follow me."
8) She carried a small baby. [2 repeats]
9) Besides them, more than 700 pilgrims are conveyed on a ship, each of them is a believer of their God.
10) (They) want to visit the Messenger-Prophet who intermediates them.
11) The ship proceeded for a long time and the weather changed bad. The captain (of
the ship) was in a flurry and lost the right way. He did not realize it until arriving at an
12) He lowered a sail and kept it in order on the board. The ship arrived and
13) {I shall repeat my story, my first talk. Do you understand it?}
14)Here is an important story. This wife told her husband that she wanted to see around the
island to make her head cool, though her heart was still fearful.
15) He consulted with the captain, who gave them permission. They got off the board in a moment and
arrived at the heart of the island. He left her there with her embracing a small baby, and
went away.
16) She said she was tired (because she embraced her baby). It is better to leave him (= the baby) sitting here and to walk around the island to come back to him.This is her word. Then she left the small (baby).
17) While she covered the baby with a blanket, he slept. Then she left for inland. He (= the husband) said, “Let’s go to such a vast land.”
18) {Foot leads to the goal which everyone possesses respectively.}
19) Her husband, he sat in the center of the ship. Moderate wind blew.The captain raised a sail again firmly.
20) The captain said, “Raise a sail firmly.”He (= the husband) called his wife to come up on the ship.
21) {Calling phrase}
22) The miserable (= his wife) wept with her heart broken. [2 repeats]
23) He said to her, “What is on you? What has happened to you?”
24) She told Hajj (= husband), “What worries me is my baby.” She said that she left the baby in the island.
25)May the God tell the captain that he can take all my money if he wishes.
26) Oh my baby! I cannot bear any more.
27) The husband told the story to the captain.
28) The captain does not accept.
29) The two grieved and wept again and again until they left for the visit (= pilgrimage).
30) {Now I shall go back to the story of the little youngster (= baby).}
31) There, one gazelle brought up him.
32)Wherever it may go (for searching food), it knew the time to be back to him(= baby).
33) Wherever it may go, it knew the time of suckling.
34) A gazelle helped the little youngster. Our Lord, a wolf and a lion brought up him.
35) A hyena brought up him.Our Lord brought up him.
36) {Now I shall go back to the story of two parents whom the God and his prophet Muhammad brought to the (same) land (= island).}
37) Having visited all (= After finishing the pilgrimage), he (= the husband) came to meet a person who had become an adult man (= the baby).
38) They got on a ship that was strong, stout and excellent. It was a British ship. The forbidden (ship) knew the center of water (= ocean) just like the pupil (or eye) knew friends.
39) Even in the depth, the rationality thinks of it.(=Parents always think of their child even in a far
40) That woman got down on the island of pigeon(=her baby). She received her son just like a son of pigeon.
41) Oh, my son! Welcome, oh, my lad! I ate(=suffered) a lot of pain and grief.
42) On that day our Lord ordered, I wept in the island with my two eyes.
43) My rationality was occupied with grief. Oh my son,your father wept in night and day.
44) Let’s go to the mosque at madrasa (=Islamic
school) to stay there (=to learn there), because our Lord did not order you to make a pilgrimage.
45) A gazelle helped the little youngster.
46) The little youngster met his family. That is what the God wished and had decided. The God never breaks his words regardless of Jews or Muslims.
47) I will offer you a good thing. The prophet’s hood [=a kind of interlude phrase].
48) May the God and the parents bless him.Without the blessing, there is no profit at all (=the life is meaningless). [repetition]
49) Oh the God, please protect us so that we may not suffer a lot of calamity.[repetition]
50) Ah, my head becomes tired. Time has come (to take a rest).