Tafart a écrit :
Please do not take this reaction as a diffamation. Abdelkrim was a tribalist and a salafist without a vision. Because of his wars against the Spanjards and the French, and because of the proclamation of his primitive refublik; the few arabs of Morocco became so afraid of every Berber action that they prefer to collaborate with the colonisation to repress the rest of our ancestors. They also ask for help in the Middle East.
Abderkrim was the source of the misery we are living now. He was tactically and ideologically a very poor man. Because of him, our identity in Morocco was for almost a century banished.
Abdelkri has never been a democrat because he did never ask the opinion of other Berber people (the majority outside of Rif). When he was in Cairo, he accepted easely, and for the first time in the history of North Africa, the appelation of the "maghreb arabi". No Berber before him and after him did the same. He was the source of all the misery we now have!
So please do not exagerate! The real revolution of our people is still to come. And I'm afraide not from the this region!
oxyntase a écrit :
ici c'est un forum pour souss.alors on'as assez de problémes a régler alors pourquoi on ajjouté les rifains,d'abord on regle nos problemes puis les rifains,n'est ce pas winitri????????
Tafart a écrit :
Please do not take this reaction as a diffamation. Abdelkrim was a tribalist and a salafist without a vision. Because of his wars against the Spanjards and the French, and because of the proclamation of his primitive refublik; the few arabs of Morocco became so afraid of every Berber action that they prefer to collaborate with the colonisation to repress the rest of our ancestors. They also ask for help in the Middle East.
Abderkrim was the source of the misery we are living now. He was tactically and ideologically a very poor man. Because of him, our identity in Morocco was for almost a century banished.
Abdelkri has never been a democrat because he did never ask the opinion of other Berber people (the majority outside of Rif). When he was in Cairo, he accepted easely, and for the first time in the history of North Africa, the appelation of the "maghreb arabi". No Berber before him and after him did the same. He was the source of all the misery we now have!
So please do not exagerate! The real revolution of our people is still to come. And I'm afraide not from the this region!
ajj aswingem-ann i willi yas-zd'arnin; keyyi igh tezd'art a taqrat hann yuda-k!oxyntase a écrit :
ici c'est un forum pour souss.alors on'as assez de problémes a régler alors pourquoi on ajjouté les rifains,d'abord on regle nos problemes puis les rifains,n'est ce pas winitri????????
Adrar-n-illouz said:Mon cher Tafart!
Je suis de ceux qui pensent qu Abdelkrim n avait pas l intention d agir pour le Maroc,il a voulu agir pour les tribus qui parlent son langage et accepte son autorite.
Les Arabistes au Caire l ont instrumentalise et pour cause : son age son instruction fort limite et surtout la perte de ses Tribus et de ses hommes.
Evidemment avec le recul nous pouvons le juger avec plus de severite..............mais il etait l homme de son temps et de son epoque.
IL n avait la notion d Etat-nation,tout se juger et se regler au fusil.Et le proverbe rifain que le meilleur frere est son propre fusil.
A titre retrospectif le cas de la republique du Rif a cree un precedent louable au Maroc et a aussi materialise la Confederation des Tribus que le makhzen de l independance a cherche a dissoudre .Mais il ne faut pas non plus blamer Abdelkrim pour tous les malheurs qui ont frappe le Rif.le Rif etait sur la liste noire du makhzen bien avant l avenement d Abdelkrim.........
Meme les grandes dynasties du maroc n ont jamais bati une MURETTE au Rif..........c est que historiquement le RIF etait IMPENETRABLE a l autorite cherifienne.
Quand les Rifains attaquerent tout au long du XIX siecle les lignes maritimes espagnoles reliant l Espagne a Mellilia ils le faisaient sans le consentement du Sultan et hors de son autorite...........l Espagne fut oblige d occuper les Iles jaafarines pour debusquer les Corsaires rifains..........Il y avait un Etat de liberte dont jouissaient les Rifains.............abdelkrim a tente de leur creer un Etat mais avait aussi les defauts de son CURSUS a la Quarawiyyine qui etait comme on le sait reforme Par le sultan Mohammed ben Abdallah qui etait un salafiste..........Le salafisme introduit par ce sultan s exprimera differemment chez Abdelkrim et chez Allal alFassi..........