Les voyages d'Ibn Batouta (1325-1354)


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The Travels of Ibn Battuta: in the Near East, Asia and Africa, 1325-1354 (Dover Books on Travel, Adventure) (Paperback)

Un nouveau ouvrage sur les voyages d'Ibn Batouta effectués entre 1325 et 1354.
Remarquez comment certains occientaux projettent le terme "Monde Arabe" , un project politique lancé par les nationalistes arabes en Orient du 20eme siecle, sur une espace culturelle, historique et geographique qui n'etait pas exclusivement arabe: Afrique du Nord, Asie mineure et orientale, Afrique noire ...


Re : Les voyages d'Ibn Batouta (1325-1354)

Le terme "Monde Arabe" est introduit dans le sommaire fait pour l'ouvrage sur le site de l'editeur, pas sur Amazon:

Synopses & Reviews
Publisher Comments:
One of the greatest travelers of his age, Sheikh Ibn Battuta began a pilgrimage to Mecca in 1326 that ended 27 years and 75,000 miles later. His engrossing account of that journey provides vivid details of an odyssey that took him from Tangier to East Africa, southern Russia, India, China, and other areas of the Middle and Far East. A primary source for the history and geography of the medieval Arab world, this reprint of a rare and important work will be welcomed by students and scholars for its inherent historical value.

Re : Les voyages d'Ibn Batouta (1325-1354)

Voici ce qu'écrit un reviewer d'amazon, classée TOP500 reviewer sur le site:

"Ibn Battuta was certainly one of the bravest and most amazing human beings ever to walk the earth: and walk the earth he did! This Arab gentleman set out for the holy city of Mecca in about the year 1327, and he continued his journeys for the next quarter-century, traveling a total of about 75,000 miles! Ibn Battuta was not only an intrepid traveler, he was also, luckily for posterity, a skilled writer whose memoirs of his voyages abroad make for the read of a lifetime. Battuta's trek took him across Africa, Russia, India, China, Europe, Persia and the so-called Holy Land, as well as Mecca and vast portions of the Arabian peninsula. Those he meets, those with whom he trades, those he and his companions feared, loved, hated and looked on with fascination, they are all described in this absolutely authentic record of a journey across the surface of the known 14th century world. Battuta's writings give us a wealth of information and are truly a treasure!"

Pas une fois il n'est mention de sa ville d'origine Tanger, ni de sa nation de provenance, on pourrait s'y méprendre et croire à un bédouin intrépide.
Sur ce problème précis de l'imbroglio idenditaire, notre Histoire a trop de mondes sur le dos.
Re : Les voyages d'Ibn Batouta (1325-1354)

Pourquoi ne pas écrire à l'éditeur de l'ouvrage et à Amazon, pour leur faire remarquer cette négligence?
Re : Les voyages d'Ibn Batouta (1325-1354)

Oui il faut communiquer

Ibn Batuta s'appellait EL-LOUATI, les LOUATA sont une tribu amazighe connue depuis l'Antiquité.