lie just lies .....


New Member
salam i just wanna give my opinion about what poeple call "friendship" .
ijust wanna know why we look for some thing we know that it does not exist?
may we got some colleagues and we think that they re true friends but re u sure of that?
could you depond on him whenu need him?
Does he /she thinks of y and try to help you without asking for help?
Does your friend knw when y re sad or happy?
Do u prefer him than urself?could y sacrifice for him?
Are you sure that you really feel in safe with him?
the important is : do you trust him?
Do you got doupts of what he says ?
Do y really believe in friendship?
i think no we jaust try to get some thing that we knw we will not be able to stand cus it has many obligations that we won't accept as humain cus we re selfish .
we just say that we re honnest and nice but in reality we love ourselves so never sacrifice for nothing.
i knw may someone will say : we re not the same "baki lmzyan lhamdo la".
Oui hamdo lah but this "mzyan" is it the mzyan we need?
i say that cus i tried to pratique all what i knw about friendship but "iwird iwgayono lhm " .
if some one told u i got a friend dont envey him cus he is just a wrong using of the word"frien".
wasalamo alaykom.
to sum up dear nomidia you wanna make us believe that genuine friendship is torn apart and no longer exists as a supreme human value.i just find your point of view as weird and cynical cause it confiscates all what is noble and dear to us.revise your notions and be hopeful,cause there still exist poeple upon whom we can blindly rely.
U missunderstood me friend(u see i use the word friend) i just try to convice poeple that the friendship (true one) is not the one they found .
imean they dont use the word in its true place.
finnaly till now i didnt see or find a couple that i can call friends.
NB: i repeat its a personalopinion.
nomidia a écrit :
salam i just wanna give my opinion about what poeple call "friendship" .
ijust wanna know why we look for some thing we know that it does not exist?
may we got some colleagues and we think that they re true friends but re u sure of that?
could you depond on him whenu need him?
Does he /she thinks of y and try to help you without asking for help?
Does your friend knw when y re sad or happy?
Do u prefer him than urself?could y sacrifice for him?
Are you sure that you really feel in safe with him?
the important is : do you trust him?
Do you got doupts of what he says ?
Do y really believe in friendship?
i think no we jaust try to get some thing that we knw we will not be able to stand cus it has many obligations that we won't accept as humain cus we re selfish .
we just say that we re honnest and nice but in reality we love ourselves so never sacrifice for nothing.
i knw may someone will say : we re not the same "baki lmzyan lhamdo la".
Oui hamdo lah but this "mzyan" is it the mzyan we need?
i say that cus i tried to pratique all what i knw about friendship but "iwird iwgayono lhm " .
if some one told u i got a friend dont envey him cus he is just a wrong using of the word"frien".
wasalamo alaykom.

I don't agree with u on certain points...
I think it depends on people. I don't believe that the colleagues can be really friends. But I am sure that certain people are faithful friends. Of course I speak about my case. Genuine friendship is, certainly, rare but it exists...

[ Edité par CyBeR_ChLeUheTTe le 2/12/2004 16:49 ]
Waw mais c'est que cyber nous as caché ses talents de polyglotte :-D ;-)
Petite traduction stp, malheureusement, moi et l'anglais... :-D et j'avoue j'ai la flemme de faire fonctionner mes neurones.
lol tu veux une traduction de koi ? ce que g dis ou ce que l'autre miss a dis ?

é jte rassure tt de suite mon anglais est loin detre parfait, jsuis mm sur qu'on va pas tarder a corriger mes fautes lol

[ Edité par CyBeR_ChLeUheTTe le 2/12/2004 16:50 ]
Non non, j'ai compris ce que toi tu disais, mais ce que le gars a ecrit tout en 1er. En gros bien sur
nomidia a écrit :
Desle mais amis mais suis pa doue en fracais c pr cela ke jai ecris en anglais .

Y a pas de probleme nomidia, on a des interpretes ici n'est ce pas cyber :-D
assif76 a écrit :
to sum up dear nomidia you wanna make us believe that genuine friendship is torn apart and no longer exists as a supreme human value.i just find your point of view as weird and cynical cause it confiscates all what is noble and dear to us.revise your notions and be hopeful,cause there still exist poeple upon whom we can blindly rely.

Pour resumer cher nomidia, tu veux nous faire croire que l'amitié véritable n'est en fait qu'éphémère. Je trouve juste ton point de vue étrange et cynik parcequ'il le prive de sa noblesse et de tt ce qui nous est cher. Révise tes notions parcequ'il existe encore des personnes en qui on peut avoir confiance.

===> jpense que c ce qu'il a voulu dire
à ton service mamzell, mé fodra avoir lavis du concerné pr voir si c bien ce qu'il voulait dire

[ Edité par CyBeR_ChLeUheTTe le 2/12/2004 17:17 ]
en effet, c'est ceque je veux dire en gros et merci d'avoir traduit mes propos.
mais un petit conseil ne soit pas trop literaliste en traduisant-word by word translation- mais essaye de traduire plutôt le sens.
et je te souhaite bonne career en traduction
merci encore et azul fellam
g pas l'intention de faire carrière dans la traduction. mon anglais est plus approximatif que jle laisse croire :-D

si g traduit mot à mot, c parceque j'avais pas envie de mal interpreter t dires. Jdonne juste une traduction basik, après chacun y voit ce qu'il veut :)

[ Edité par CyBeR_ChLeUheTTe le 2/12/2004 18:32 ]
non mais franchement tu te debrouilles pas mal en anglais,et by the way ton mp est vide tu as oublie le sujet

[ Edité par assif76 le 2/12/2004 18:48 ]