The name "lmghrib"


Active Member
Since when is this name in use for Morocco, its translation into english means THE WEST
this name given to a region is not new by imazighen for example Imuhagh :: Kel Ataram (ceux de l'ouest) ::

Amazigh publications and communiques by amazigh associations use very often the name LMGHRIB
but the word for west already exists in Tamazight (Morocco just like in Touareg/tamashek)

So how would you call todays Morocco? [not the name Morocco which is derived from mrrakch]
Re : The name "lmghrib"

Les noms de pays résultent d'une tradition, les changer d'un coup de baguette théorique, c'est illusoire.

Maghrib porte la marque de la domination arabe, ouest de l'empire.

Maroc, déformation européenne de Marrakech.

France a pris son nom des invasions des Francs (fini la Gaule).

C'est l'histoire qui décide ici...
Re : The name "lmghrib"

Thank you for the clear answer Agrzam ;-)

But do you think that we should take over the name litt or translate the meaning of LMGHRIB into tamazight
If we look to North-Africa as seperate continent of the middle-east and the rest of africa we can say that it is the western part.