ntcin dah g libya n tutlay tamazight/we are here in libya we are speak tamazight
ighermawen adrar nefussa/the cities in mountain nefussa
1:yefren negh ifrane
2;jadu negh fesatu
4:nalut negh lallut
negh means or by english
the last 4 main cities in nefussa mountain speak tamazight and every main city sourunded by small villages some of the names of small villages/amzir-ikeklen-imajrisen-
tizeghwin-bandaw-tid mmira- ferssta-arnun-agelu-
and there are diferances in the accent from region to other
ar timlilit
ntcin dah g libya n tutlay tamazight/we are here in libya we are speak tamazight
ighermawen adrar nefussa/the cities in mountain nefussa
1:yefren negh ifrane
2;jadu negh fesatu
4:nalut negh lallut
negh means or by english
the last 4 main cities in nefussa mountain speak tamazight and every main city sourunded by small villages some of the names of small villages/amzir-ikeklen-imajrisen-
tizeghwin-bandaw-tid mmira- ferssta-arnun-agelu-
and there are diferances in the accent from region to other
ar timlilit