Un Ahidus anti-segregation


Grace à la bonne volonté de la jeunesse de la région et des maitres de cérémonie Zaid Uchna et Omar Taouss, un des derniers tabous de la région est tombé ce soir la. Pour la premiere fois de l'histoire de la région Iqabliyne (mates de peau) et Ait Merghad (clairs de peau) s'allignent en rangée pour jouer un Ahidus mixte historique. Ca se passe en Aout 2006 sous les tourelles majestueuses du portail d'Igwlmimne. C'est une fierté pour moi Baddou, d'y avoir participer et figurer aux premiers plans des prises vidéos.
J'espére que ces images contribueront à enterrer définitivement les querelles du passé et d'avancer main dans la main toutes sensibilités ethniques confondues pour le bien etre de tous les habitants de notre contrée.


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Ahidus est joué évidement par des amateurs de part et d'autre. Place maintenant à la détente avec cette super Ghayta qui réveillerait les serpents d'inurir n Igwlmimne

<embed src="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/5RsqVG5OtZU6Obm7z" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="335" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>

et enfin une tagzzimte suivie d'une Tigui jouée par lacianate (les pros)

<embed src="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/31wQjb3rWaUK5bm8I" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="335" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>
Re : Un Ahidus anti-segregation

dommage que les soussis ont exclu les femmes d'ahwach
souvenirs d'enfance:
voila comment se passait les fetes soussis en plein Rabat

le soir les hommes seul art'hochen . les femmes n'ont droit qu'au spectacle

le jour les femmes se reunissent dancent et chantent ahwach sans la presence des hommes
Re : Un Ahidus anti-segregation

tinji said:
dommage que les soussis ont exclu les femmes d'ahwach
souvenirs d'enfance:
voila comment se passait les fetes soussis en plein Rabat

le soir les hommes seul art'hochen . les femmes n'ont droit qu'au spectacle

le jour les femmes se reunissent dancent et chantent ahwach sans la presence des hommes

Nous avons toujours pratique un Ahidus mixte, tu peux me voir sur la photo entoure de deux jeunes filles allignes sur la meme ramgee. bien evidement les jeunes d'aujourd'hui ne sabent plus jouer Ahidus c'est pour ca qu'on voit sur la video une cacophonie dans l'execution.
sinon ce Ahidus est plus que symbolique puisqu'il reunit pour la premiere fois Issouqiyne et les blancs sur un meme Ahidus
Re : Un Ahidus anti-segregation

J'adore Ahidus le vrai,celui de khnifra et region.tout autres n'est qu’une copie ordinaire ;-) ...
Re : Un Ahidus anti-segregation

Aghrabi you have to know that there are different styles of ah'idus. For example the style of ah'idus in the middle-atlas is different than the versions you see in the High-atlas in particular the central an south-east part of the high-atlas. The ritme the beat and lyrics and not to forget clothings. In comparison with the middle-atlas the ah'idus of central high-atlas Imgun & ayt bugwmmaz is a very dynamic dance with coreography find no where else in morocco.
But i have to say that the Zayan and the Zemmour in the middle-atlas have their root in the sout-east high-atlas ;-) many people do not know that. And related to the Ayt 3t't'a.
Re : Un Ahidus anti-segregation

idir said:
But i have to say that the Zayan and the Zemmour in the middle-atlas have their root in the sout-east high-atlas ;-) many people do not know that. And related to the Ayt 3t't'a.

Indeed Idir, I remember I have heard (oral tradition) in some parts of the Higher Atlas that (most) Aït Dadès are Izayann for instance. (we shall pay no attention to the direction of the inclusion relationship).
Re : Un Ahidus anti-segregation

The example of families from Zemmour having their roots in south-east of the high-atlas(ayt atta) is given in this book:
* The Ait ‘Atta of Southern Morocco: daily life and recent history.HART D.M., 1984

Personaly i don't think that the Ayt Dads are from Z'ayan, the mouvement was from south to north. And also linguisticly for example if you read noces berberes by e.laoust you see that the current language of Dads has changed by contact with the eastern neighbours which are more Tamazight-Atlas orientated and their western neighbours more Tamazight-Souss.
But you can find more clear answers in a special publication on the history of the Ayt Dads i forgot the name of the author(you just have to ask about it in Morocco), this is an other publication on Dads:
Le Sud Est Marocain - le cas de Dadès
Re : Un Ahidus anti-segregation

Indeed Ait atta and Ait merghad speek almost the same language as Zayan and Zemmour and Guerouane.
We have the written clue that Guerrouane who dwell nowadays in Sayss near Meknes originated from Tafilalet. Alhumyari in his book stated that Guerrouane who nomadized around Tafilalet and nearby helped Yussef Ben Tachafine, then army general of the almoravid chief Ben Yassine, to seize Sigilmassa City. The collective memory of Ait Merghad still remembers Guerouane tribes shepherding around Tafilelt oases.
If Guerouane originated from south-east and considering that guerouane are linguistically and ethnically close to Zayan and Zemmour, this leads to considering those as originating from this region as well
Re : Un Ahidus anti-segregation

idir said:
The example of families from Zemmour having their roots in south-east of the high-atlas(ayt atta) is given in this book:
* The Ait ‘Atta of Southern Morocco: daily life and recent history.HART D.M., 1984

Personaly i don't think that the Ayt Dads are from Z'ayan, the mouvement was from south to north. And also linguisticly for example if you read noces berberes by e.laoust you see that the current language of Dads has changed by contact with the eastern neighbours which are more Tamazight-Atlas orientated and their western neighbours more Tamazight-Souss.
But you can find more clear answers in a special publication on the history of the Ayt Dads i forgot the name of the author(you just have to ask about it in Morocco), this is an other publication on Dads:
Le Sud Est Marocain - le cas de Dadès

That is precisely why I did not specify any direction in the so assumed inclusion relationship between these two groups.
As far as the collective migration movements are concerned, I doubt we can sort the things out with enough accuracy to draw about its potential isotropia. Notably, Time and Space standards shall never be separated so to better understand.

Tanmirt very much for the farther information.
Re : Un Ahidus anti-segregation

idir said:
Aghrabi you have to know that there are different styles of ah'idus. For example the style of ah'idus in the middle-atlas is different than the versions you see in the High-atlas in particular the central an south-east part of the high-atlas. The ritme the beat and lyrics and not to forget clothings. In comparison with the middle-atlas the ah'idus of central high-atlas Imgun & ayt bugwmmaz is a very dynamic dance with coreography find no where else in morocco.
But i have to say that the Zayan and the Zemmour in the middle-atlas have their root in the sout-east high-atlas ;-) many people do not know that. And related to the Ayt 3t't'a.

Yes bro,i'm growing up in the heart of midle-atlas and aware that there are some important differences between the ahidus of midle-atlas and those of high-atlas & region.The differences not only in style of music and song but also of the rythmes,dress,voice and choreoghraphy.

L-khnafer,achal n imazighns ihurran,still the world's best place to live!
Re : Un Ahidus anti-segregation

One charcterestic of middle Atlas and eastern High Atlas Ahidus is the men/women mix.
Either they have a line of men facing a line of women (ait atta, Dades,Zemmour, AIt izdeg) or two lines facing each other with women in between men (Ait Merghad, Ait Hdidou, Zayan, Guerouane). The rhythm of songs may slightly differ between tribes.

However have not yet seen a mixed Ahwash!!!
Re : Un Ahidus anti-segregation

Baddou said:
Issouqiyne et les blancs

remarque pertinente c'est le cas d'utiliser le terme "anti-segragation".

c'est comme si j'écrivais aghrum en lettre française en m'adressant à un français et lpain en m'adressant à un amazight......la "massacrésation" des mots.

baddou pourquoi tu n'as pas utilisé le terme imazighens pour les blancs?(alors que tu le sais bien)

est-ce par pudeur ou par maladresse?
Re : Un Ahidus anti-segregation

Mais Issouqiyne ma chere lala meriyam sont aussi des imazighne.

Le terme blancs n'est pas aussi adequat, blanc designe generalement les europeens. J'aurais mieux fait d'utiliser le terme claires de peaux et mates de peau

Issouqiyne non plus ne sont pas tres noirs donc terme mates de peau convient mieux
Re : Un Ahidus anti-segregation

Baddou said:
J'aurais mieux fait d'utiliser le terme claires de peaux et mates de peau

tu aurais mieux fais d'appeller tout le monde imazighens.....ça ne veux strictement rien dire mates de peaux et claires de peaux....

ps: je t'embête avec ça, c'est pour que la prochaine fois ne tu ne recommences plus et c'est aussi que je ne comprend pas souvent cette distinction faites entre nous.c'est vraiment moche.