Re : Signification Markunda ?
Personaly I think it has an unknown signification, i just gave the translation of the words combined together. But it could be possible more information should be given when writting such books historical sources, antrop etc..
And you r right about the name Marrakech it is to simplistic to explain the signification with the words akuc and amur and also grammaticaly.
Amur in Morocco has different meanings: harpon, divine protection [ from God], part [of...]
Only tamurt means land
And if it really meant the Land of God why does there exist several place names in feminine form ;-) in southern(east)-morocco
Azul a gma Idir,
Honestly, I think that the field of explaining the etymology of Amazigh personal names is one of the most difficult fields in Amazigh linguistics. Even the most serious linguists have problems in that.
For example, Mohand Akli Haddadou, a prominent Amazigh researcher here in Algeria, studied the etymology of "Badis", a known Amazigh name. In a book (L'Almanach berbère), he said that it came from the expression :
iba ti-s : his father is absent, from the verb "ba", to be absent + ti-s, his father, both words exist in Tamasheq.
However, in another book of him, entitled "Recueil de prénoms amazighs" (published in 2004), he wrote about the same name that it comes from :
Bedd yis-s === to stand thanks to him (perhaps God ?).
I think that most Amazigh names have been so distorted with time that it has become very difficult to identify their original forms or meanings. Some names are very old, too old to be decyphered, others are also distorted because of pet forms or short forms, exactly as it's the case with many names in other languages.
For example, it's difficult to know what's the meaning of Edwin or Alfred just by tryin to explain them with Modern English. You have to go back several centuries ago in order to know the older form of the language, and even so, it may be still difficult.
Moreover, it's also difficult to guess that Sandy is a pet form of a short form of Alexandra.
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