Iwizi-U-Sus a écrit :
No woman no cry
Uhuy a tamghart ad ur tallat
Oh my little sister don't shed no tears
AH a ultma imZZiyn ad ur tsmiTTiwt
No woman no cry
Uhuy a tamghart ad ur tallat
Iwizi-U-Sus a écrit :
No woman no cry
Uhuy a tamghart ad ur tallat
Say I remember when we used to sit
KwtiH azmz lliH a yadlli netskkuyus
In the government yard in Trenchtown
H usays n tnbaT H Trenchtown
Observing all the hypocrites
Ar nsmuqqul iknnaden
As they would mingle with the good people we met
Lli ranin ad mmerksen d medden fulkinin lli tmiqqiren
Good friends we had and good friends we lost
Imddukal fulkinin a yadlli darnH, imddukal fulkinin ad ngara
Along the way
H ugharas
In this bright future
H imal isufun
You can forget your past
TeZdart ad ttut amzruy
So dry your tears I say and :
ad am ilmma iniH sefD imTTawen nem d
No woman no cry (x2)
Uhuy a tamghart ad ur tallat
Hey little darling don't shed no tears
AH a tamarayt inu imZZiyn ad ur tsmiTTiwt
No woman no cry (x2)
Uhuy a tamghart ad ur tallat
Say I remember when we used to sit
KwtiH azmz llih a yadlli netskkuyus
In the government yard in Trenchtown
H usays n tanbaT H Trenchtown
And then Georgie would make a fire light
D ilmma Georgie ar teskar tifawt s takat
I remember when we used to sit
KwtiH azmz lliH a nteskkuyus
In the government yard in Trenchtown
H usays n tnbaT H Trenchtown
As it was love wood burning through the night
Zund akccuD n tayri ijjddern ghyyiD
And we would cook wholemeal porridge
D ar netgga tirmt neH idrusn
Of which I'd share with you
Lli d im aTTaH
My feet is my only carriage
IDaren inu ka s a tmudduH
So I've got to push on through
Ghayan ad yiwin lliH rad dduH
But while I'm gone I mean
Mac lliH rad dduH zuZdeH
Everything's gonna be allright
Rad ihnnu uzmz
No woman no cry
Uhuy a tamghart ad ur tallat
Oh my little sister don't shed no tears
AH a ultma imZZiyn ad ur tsmiTTiwt
No woman no cry
Uhuy a tamghart ad ur tallat
And then Georgie would make a fire light
D ilmma Georgie ar teskar tifawt s takat
As it was love wood burning through the night
Zund akccuD n tayri ijjddern ghyyiD
And we would cook wholemeal porridge
D ar netgga tirmt neH idrusn
Of which I'd share with you
Lli d im aTTaH
My feet is my only carriage
IDaren inu ka s a tmudduH
So I've got to push on through
Ghayan ad yiwin lliH rad dduH
No woman no cry
Uhuy a tamghart ad ur tallat
Oh my little sister don't shed no tears
AH a ultma imZZiyn ad ur tsmiTTiwt
No woman no cry
Uhuy a tamghart ad ur tallat
Oh my little sister don't shed no tears
AH a ultma imZZiyn ad ur tsmiTTiwt
No woman no cry
Uhuy a tamghart ad ur tallat
Un_sarazin a écrit :
enchante Aglaw, ravi de faire ta conaissance
Un_sarazin a écrit :
Bon, je vais pas recommencer sinon certains ici vont se facher. Iwizi, ta taduction est completeent fausse. Pafios, tu est completement passe a cote des parloes de Bob. Des fois tu as carrement rate letrain. Dans dautre, tu as traduis le texte mais pas le fond.
La premiere ligne:
No woman no cry = Pas de femme pas de larmes (ou souffrances+)
je vais revenir ladessus later...